Active Materials Building
10 Months
Diamond already offers analytical instruments for active materials research, however required a new facility to improve the capabilities for researchers, ranging from those involved in construction materials for nuclear energy facilities, to those involved in waste remediation.
The Active Materials Building (AMB) is an independent structure, accommodating a suite of new laboratories, enabling radioactive samples to be prepared onsite – a first for the UK.
This new state-of-the-art facility was turned around by T-SQUARED’s team of experts incredibly quickly and efficiently around a live facility during the global Covid-19 pandemic and national lockdown.
The new building is a single storey, steel-framed structure, clad to appear similar to the Synchrotron Building adjacent to it, using screw piles, ground ring beam and block and beam flooring. This method was used to minimise vibration disturbance that can affect the existing Beamlines.
The facility will enable the preparation of radioactive samples, enhancing support for its user community and advancing the wide range of research into ‘active’ materials.
T-SQUARED give us added service above and beyond a ‘normal’ building contractor. They get the right people to work with us and build a personal relationship, minimising risk and giving certainty. They resource things properly, take ownership and manage the whole supply chain.